NCAA Tournament &Technology Spencer on January 14, 2012 06:05 am
March Madness in January?!?
As I do every year, I work to make my NCAA Tournament website a bit better and more streamlined. This year I wanted to focus on providing a bit more functionality for the users, as well as minor updates to design, changing colors as I also do each year. Basically I had three things I wanted to do this year:
- Change color scheme
- Make it so players see and can print their bracket upon submitting it
- Create a new area where a user can look up their bracket(s) prior to the games starting
I get requests nearly every year for people to see their brackets and in the past, I wasn’t able to provide that and really wanted to this year. Players will still need to contact me if they want to make changes to a bracket, but now they have the tools to see what they need to.
While just doing the above was a major undertaking, as I started working, I ended up doing those things as well as a complete reworking of all of the pages and nearly all of the code. Most of these are behind the scenes but here are some new additions that really advance the site into newer techniques.
- All PHP. In the past, I have used a Perl script generated by my pool software to insert entries into the database staging area. This year, I completely wrote that functionality into my own PHP.
- Complete CSS. I replaced nearly all inline style declarations and created solid CSS in two files (one for the pages, and one to specifically define the bracket and location of teams and results).
- 100% Validation. HTML has changed a lot since I was first introduced to it back in 1995. Now pages have important DOCTYPES that follow particular formatting to ensure that all browsers interpret the pages properly. I updated every page to ensure and check for XHTML validation. I can even have the seal of approval on the site to prove validation.
I am very pleased with how the site is turning out and should only have to make very minor changes when the 2012 version of my pool software comes out. I don’t plan on any more changes/enhancements for this year, but am already trying to think of possible changes for next year (perhaps looking into using AJAX instead of iframes to serve up the pages).
I hope you are all planning on joining this year as well. Details will be sent as the time draws near!
on January 14, 2012 at 9:24 pm 1. Mom said …
wow i’m so impressed – you lost me in paragraph one – I kinda get the jist – i’m astounded – count me in!! love mom
on January 15, 2012 at 5:24 am 2. Dad said …
Very cool! Also a fun way to dust off the coding skills. 😉