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News Opinion Spencer on March 25, 2009 07:09 am

Scary Times

This has got to be the worst start to a presidency in the history of our country.  And it isn’t even close.  This is a man who wants to take away all of our freedoms and liberty while appearing to try to fix things.  As individuals and families, we can’t spend ourselves out of debt; so how is it that we could even think we could as a country?

Obama’s administration is using fear, lies, and mob mentality to get exactly what they want; which is a fundamental change in policy to unadulterated socialism.  Let’s use the AIG bonus situation.  The administration acted as if it was news that these were getting paid out.  It wasn’t news, it was part of AIG’s plan from the very start.  And they aren’t bonuses as you and I would think of them; they are retention bonuses.  Which means, this is money getting paid to people who have been LAID OFF but need to be kept on board for a little while to keep the company running.  The schedule and amount was known by all those involved for a long time; but to gin up public anger, they have lied and twisted to make this seem like a shady thing.  Even if you get down to the money, the “bonuses” are 1/10 of 1% (or 0.001) of the bail out money.  I’m sure a lot more has been used even less wisely.

So, what was the fix?  Forcing them to give the money back or face 90% taxes.  Now, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal to target a person or group of people with tax legislation.  But unfortunately with this congress and the Supreme Court, you can’t guarantee that the Constution would hold up, so to avoid dealing with it, some would rather give back 100%.  Just by ginning up public anger with these lies, they’ve imposed a 100% tax.  If they can do it to people from AIG, why on earth would they stop there?  Plan on losing all of your money in the near future if they get their way.

We are really in scary times; and the sad part is that most people are either blind to it or don’t think it will affect them.  Before they know it, they will have no more freedom, no money, and no hope.  How’s that for change?

UPDATE: It seems even the president of the very socialistic EU thinks we’re on the wrong path.

One Response to “Scary Times”

  1. on March 31, 2009 at 6:45 am 1. Mom said …

    Excellent writing and thoughts!!

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