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News Opinion Spencer on September 11, 2006 11:45 am

Where Were You?

In memory of the tragic and horrific events that occurred five years ago, I want you all to remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard about the events happening on 9/11/01.  Here is my story:

I was feeling absolutely horrible and so I was going to work a few hours later than usual.  I arrived at work around 9:00 and started my daily troubleshooting of peoples’ computers and was working specifically with one of our Implementation manangers in his office when a woman burst in stating that a plane had hit the World Trade Center.  At that time, I assumed it was some small commuter plane that had hit accidentally and went back to work.  Then our office became more of a buzz as the truth started to come out.

Someone found a small 13″ T.V. and we placed it in a corner office by the window so we could watch with reasonable reception.  In the business I was in, we had quite a few clients that worked in both buildings of the WTC.  I was still feeling terribly ill and went home around 12:00 to continue to watch the events unfold at home.  At some point while talking to Kylah in the morning, she stated that she thought it “was that Bin Laden guy” and I completely agreed.

Later, I found out that the very first customer I had talked to who worked for Janus Funds in Colorado happened to be at the WTC for a conference and was one of the 2,800 killed.

Please, never forget what happened that day even though the media refuses to show it; and always remember those who passed and those who have fought to help prevent anything like that from happening again.  And, please share your thoughts of where you were and what you were doing that day.

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